Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Marakesh booklet


Anonymous said...

Have you been to Marakesh? I am going in 1 week!!

would love to email/chat if you have....

Dieverdog said...

How amazing! No I have not. If you take photos I'd LOVE to see... how exotic and exciting! I bet you have all sorts of interesting and unusual experiences! I'd love to know how you get on there. What made you choose that particular destination? I can't say as I've ever heard of anyone going there.
The pictures on my book aren't even from there that I know of.... I just put the name on because it sounded exotic to me and suited the book.... you will have to let me know if it seems at all accurate! LOL

lauren bergold said...

i LOOOOVE this!!! :)

Dieverdog said...

Thanks, Lauren!