How cool! You are jamming with the ps too! I only have version 7 and the brushes work on that one. Some of the free brush downloads don't work on it though...bummer. Hope you had a wonderful V-day!!!
i want Jelly beans!!! My fave are the pastel ones at Easter, been scouring the shops but all I'm finding are empty boxes...SOLD OUT! already? It's not even Easter.
How cool! You are jamming with the ps too! I only have version 7 and the brushes work on that one. Some of the free brush downloads don't work on it though...bummer. Hope you had a wonderful V-day!!!
i want Jelly beans!!! My fave are the pastel ones at Easter, been scouring the shops but all I'm finding are empty boxes...SOLD OUT! already? It's not even Easter.
Man, the bunnies shop early. xo, Monica
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