Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day of the Dead ATCs – Day 29

Ok, I posted this yesterday but it didn't seem to show up for some reason – I'll blame it on Sandy! Seriously, though, I hope everyone is ok who might live on the east coast or any area affected by Sandy. Stay safe peeps! We actually have a little snow on the ground this morning.

These ATCs are in the Day of the Dead theme this time, in my favorite purple, green, black color combo. The main images are from Invoke arts. There are papers, ribbon and tapes on these as well as other embellishments.


DonnaMundinger said...

Thought I was seeing things. BAD SANDY! Great ATC's and these colors rock! xxD

Sharon Sahl said...

I am so glad you managed to save your ATCs sets and show them as sets! They are so well matched color wise and thematically, it would be a shame to show them one at a time. Love these purple and green ones!

Unknown said...

Love your day of the dead atc's glad you werte able to post them
hugs xxx

~Lady B~ said...

I thought it was odd that you didn't have a project up. I kept going back and nothing was there. I'm glad I'm seeing your work now because it is gorgeous! I love your color scheme and I love seeing the entire set together. Wickedly awesome!

Steph said...

Glad I accidently scrolled down too far and saw this project up. Love these day of the dead ATC's. purple, green and black is my favorite halloween combo too, fab job on these.