The start of a new journal... on kromekote (shiny) white card stock... using stamp pads, paint, rubber stamps, handwriting and what ever comes to mind. I decided to go back toward my comfort zone so I would actually do more stuff. I can toss in new things as I go I figure, but this way I'm more likely to actually work on it more often. (or so I hope). So far I'm pretty pleased, I cranked these out pretty quickly last night. I think I was really ready to make some art.
Great to see that you have been "working"...I started a new journal with the start of the last GPP crusade, and I have actually done some pages!!
Are your pages bound,or are you going to do more of a portfolio? I have always liked what you do in your comfort zone and I like these a lot. Joyful colors and good expression of ideas. This journaling stuff is fun!
thanks, Sharon! They are punched to be bound later. They are easier to work on when they lay flat like that. Then I can also order them how I want, though I usually do them in the order I create them anyway.
I also love Clogs! I painted a pair white back in 1978 for my wedding shoes...I didn't like the fancy high heals the other brides were wearing!
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