More cards made last night (except the kitty... he should have gone up with the stuff from yesterday). I thought Michelle would like him...he's red and black and somewhat goth. Some of these utilize my new clear stamps that I got at Archiver's the other day. They are from a company called Fancy Pants Designs (I'd never heard of them before). There is an explosion of clear stamps out now by a number of companies that are new or sound new... not the traditional rubber stamp companies I've heard of, though some of those are going that route now, as well. I think the scrappers are diversifying outwards and embracing the stampers... in the never ending quest for more sales! Now that most of the stamp stores, at least in my neck of the woods, are gone, that is. Again a couple of the above examples (the faces) were an attempt at "with one stamp" that is done in Take Ten, where you do several different looking cards using the same stamp. I like the challenge of that and I push myself more to try different color schemes to get different looks. I'm thinking of submitting some work again to be published, which I haven't done in ages. I used to do that all the time and it is so exciting to get in magazines, but it don't happen if I don't make stuff and send it out there.
I love the background on the "hope" card and the one with the bird brings back lots of good memories of going to Akron to shop and attend classes. Kat of Stamp in the Hand is doing a Tupperware and jewelry party at Monkey Love next week. Isn't that a hoot.
I still get the emails from Monkey Love and I saw that. Actually I was looking over some old photos that I took at one of the conventions and there were some from Stamp In the Hand and it made me dig out that bird stamp. I miss going to those, they were really fun.It was neat to see those photos again, took me back. There was a couple from the class we took with Kevin.
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